Tuesday, October 8, 2024 @7PM
Screen Smart Parenting
Adam Pletter, PsyD
Event Flyer
Dr. Pletter is a licensed clinical psychologist with more than 20 years’ experience specializing in the treatment of children, adolescents, and young adults in his private practice in Bethesda, Maryland. He received his doctoral degree from the George Washington University. As a clinical psychologist working with families at the outset of the early 2000’s digital culture shift, Dr. Pletter developed a parenting approach, combining behavior modification theory with parental control systems, to better support mental health and child development.
Dr. Pletter works with parents/guardians as well as technology companies to help them balance the benefits of the digital world alongside health and safety concerns. He primarily uses the built-in device parental controls paired with Digital Access Boxes ™ to promote safe exploration of the digital world. Dr. Pletter shares his iParent 101 program in the form of an eBook, online courses, YouTube tutorials, and live and virtual speaking engagements.
Tuesday, April 16 @7PM
The One Choice 5: What Parents and Caring Adults Need to Know About Youth Substance Use Prevention
Caroline DuPont, M.D.,
Vice President, Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc.
Board Certified in Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine
Nancy Pasquale
Coalition Coordinator & Youth Coalition Advisor, RyeACT
IBH Prevention Consultant, One Choice Prevention
Debbie Berndt
Director, Substance Free Athletics
Host, SAMHSA’s Talk. They Hear You! Campaign podcast
Spring is here, and for many it marks the start of the hectic, and often stressful, countdown to the end of the school year and all that comes with it for youth and families. Homework, tests, and final exams. Proms, Graduations, and end-of year “moving up” ceremonies. And gearing up for periods of transition: from Elementary to Middle School, Middle to High School, and the transition to work, college, and beyond for HS grads. While these times can be exciting and joyous, they are also frequently times of increased stress and anxiety, and are often associated with increased substance use for young people. This is an ideal time for parents and caring adults to make a renewed commitment to having those important prevention conversations with the youth in their lives, but many don’t know where to start.
Event Flyer
Wednesday, March 6 7-8:30pm
Marc Potenza, MD, PhD
Stephen M. Southwick Professor of Psychiatry,
Yale University School of Medicine
Sports Betting, & Gaming:
How much is too much?
Video Recording
Event Flyer
While many teens are involved in online games and 60% of high school students have gambled (primarily through sports betting), parents and caregivers are often unaware of the possible dangers. This presentation will help parents and other caring adults understand the scope of adolescent involvement in sports betting and gaming and the social and emotional impact on middle and high school aged students.
Video Recording
Event Flyer
January 23, 2024 @7PM
Protective Power of Parents and Caregivers to Keep Young People Safe and Build Them to be their Best Selves
Dr. Ken Ginsburg, MD, MSEd
Join Dr. Ken Ginsburg, who will speak about the critical importance of parents and caring adults in the lives of adolescents. It is the security of your love that allows young people to launch successfully into an uncertain future. Your high expectations hold them accountable, keep them safe, and shape them to become their best selves. The best way to protect your child is to prepare them to manage life’s complexities while establishing clear boundaries beyond which they cannot stray. When you model self-care and healthy stress management strategies, you teach them to get through tough times. So if you're the parent of a teen, tune in to remind yourself how much you matter. If you have younger children, now is the time to invest in building wise, strong children who will thrive through adolescence and beyond.